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Главная » 2010 » Сентябрь » 5 » Андаманские острова
Андаманские острова
Андаманские острова (вероятно, от малайского Handuman — имя божества), архипелаг в Индийском океане, между Бенгальским заливом и Андаманским морем. Часть территории Индии Андаманские и Никобарские острова. Наиболее крупные острова: Сев. Андаман, Ср. Андаман, Юж. Андаман, Мал. Андаман. Площадь 6,5 тыс. км2. Являются вершинами подводной горной цепи на продолжении хребта Ракхайн (Аракан-Йома). Местами обрамлены коралловыми рифами. На острове Баррен — вулкан. Низкогорный расчленённый рельеф; высотой до 732 м (г. Садл-Пик). Покрыты влажными вечнозелёными тропическими лесами. С восточной стороны удобные бухты. Культивируются кокос, пальма, рис и др. Лесоразработки. Коренные обитатели А. о. — андаманцы, занимаются охотой и рыболовством. Вывоз ценной древесины, копры. Единственный город — Порт-Блэр.


South Andaman Island is the southernmost island of the Great Andaman and is home to the majority of the population of the Andaman Islands. Port Blair, the capital of the islands, is located on the southern part of this island. Some areas of the island are restricted areas for non-Indians; however, transit permits can be obtained from the Home Ministry. Like the rest of the archipelago, it was struck by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, leading to many deaths on the island.South Andaman is the largest island in the island group.

This district was created on August 18, 2006 by bifurcating the erstwhile Andaman district.
Four Andamanese indigenous peoples, namely, Onges, Jarawas, Great Andamanese and Sentinalese live in this district. The district comprises of 3 tehsils, Port Blair, Ferrargunj and Little Andaman.


North Andaman Island is the northernmost island of Great Andaman of the Andaman Islands, with an area of 2,781 km². The main town on the island is Diglipur. Known for its marine life, the island's main industries are rice and orange-growing. The island is home to the highest point in the archipelago, Saddle Peak at 738 metres.
North Andaman experiences fairly frequent large earthquakes and suffered inundation from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake tsunami.
North Andaman is one of the five chief islands located to the north of Andaman District, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Lying at an altitude of 738 m above sea level, the island spans an area of about 2780 sq km. It is a sub division of North Andamans and covers a total of 607 km of shoreline.

Main attractions are Saddle Peak, Cadell Bay and Turtle Islands. To the extreme north of this island, is Landfall Island.


Middle Andaman Island is the central island of the Great Andaman archipelago, with a total area of 1,536 km². The island is home to many of the Jarawa people. Its coastline was inundated by the tsunami resulting from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake (26th Dec).
Middle Andaman's main towns are Rangat, Billiground and Mayabunder


Havelock Island (often just Havelock for short) with an area of some 92 km2 is the largest of the islands which comprise Ritchie's Archipelago, a chain of islands to the east of Great Andaman in the Andaman Islands. Havelock is situated 57 km North East of Capital City Port Blair.
The island is named after Henry Havelock, a British general active in India. The island's current population consists of Bengali settlers.
It is one of the few places that the administration of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands union territory of India has permitted and encouraged development of tourism, with a focus on promoting eco-tourism.
Havelock Island avoided much of the devastation which was visited upon most of the shores affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and its resultant tsunami, and there were no documented casualties.
Beach No. 7 on the western coast, better known as "Radha Nagar" Beach, is one of the most popular beaches on Havelock and was named "Best Beach in Asia" by Time in 2004.[1]. Other notable beaches include Elephant Beach on the northwest coast and Vijaynagar Beach (No. 5), Beach No. 3 and Beach No. 1 on the east coast. After the tsunami in 2004, Beach No. 1 was turned into a memorial site.
Havelock is known for rich marine life, especially the corals.[citation needed] it is easily approachable by government boats which run daily from port blair from a point locally known as marine jetty . the boat run daily at 6 am . prior booking can be done but the ships are big so one can easily get tickets on the spot .the radha nagar beach is big and beautiful and is about 10 kms from boat point


Little Andaman island (Onge: Gaubolambe) is the fourth largest of the Andaman Islands with an area of 739 km², lying at the southern end of the archipelago. It is home to the Onge tribe and has been a tribal reserve since 1957.
The lowlying island has widespread rainforest and several rare species of marine turtle. In the 1960s, the Government of India initiated a colonisation programme centred on forestry, but this was later largely abandoned and a court order in 2002 confirmed its protection.
Little Andaman is often considered the counterpart of the Great Andaman island group.


Neil Island is a beautiful island with dense forests and sandy beaches is also known as the vegetable bowl of Andamans.

It lies 40 km east of Port Blair and here most of the inhabitants are Bengalis.Neil Island is a perfect eco-friendly destination. It is 18.90 sq km in area.

The sea encircling this island is shallow and full of corals, which is much of interest to those who love marine life.
The island's lush green forest and sandy beaches provide an ideal holiday for tourists. Beaches are numbered; the beach west of the village is popular with campers. One can also put up camps on the beach. There is excellent snorkeling and scuba diving opportunity to see beautiful corals & exotic marine life.


Cinque Island in Andaman is the best place to relax andrejuvenate. Being in this picturesque place you can bask in numerous recreational activities. Some of the popular activities which would refresh your soul and body are swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing and camping.

Cinque Island is very rapidly developed into a favorite tourist center. Best known for its coral and beach, this pristine island provides excellent views of nature nurtured in the calm and tranquil ambience untouched of the daily clamors and clutters of urban India.

Situated about South of Chirya Tapu, Cinque Island Andamans is an uninhabited place. It is very ideally surrounded by finest coral reefs located few hundred meters into the deep sea.


Категория: Отдых в Индии | Просмотров: 1140 | Добавил: Olga_Tishchenko | Теги: Андаманские острова


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